
The following demonstrates the options available in poretools.

poretools --help
usage: poretools [-h] [-v]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Installed poretools version

    combine             Combine a set of FAST5 files in a TAR achive
    fastq               Extract FASTQ sequences from a set of FAST5 files
    fasta               Extract FASTA sequences from a set of FAST5 files
    stats               Get read size stats for a set of FAST5 files
    hist                Plot read size histogram for a set of FAST5 files
    events              Extract each nanopore event for each read
    readstats           Extract signal information for each read over time.
    tabular             Extract the lengths and name/seq/quals from a set of
                        FAST5 files in TAB delimited format
    nucdist             Get the nucl. composition of a set of FAST5 files
    qualdist            Get the qual score composition of a set of FAST5 files
    winner              Get the longest read from a set of FAST5 files
    squiggle            Plot the observed signals for FAST5 reads
    times               Return the start times from a set of FAST5 files in
                        tabular format
    yield_plot          Plot the yield over time for a set of FAST5 files